
As a bilingual educational institution we support the use of both German and English to a high degree.

The children learn both languages using the immersion method. This means that one educator speaks exclusively in German (her mother tongue) and the other in English (her mother tongue).

An important element of language teaching is that the pedagogical staff support what is being said through actions as well as through gestures and facial expressions. In this way, children naturally develop listening comprehension skills in both languages. The principle of "one person – one language" additionally supports children’s ability and willingness to learn a language. In this way the children learn both languages in a natural context. They are literally immersed in the new language and learn it without pressure, e.g. in the morning circle, while eating, through songs, stories and games. The daily routine supports the language acquisition. We are patient – each child is allowed to progress at their own pace.

Federal Programme Language Day Care (“Sprach-Kitas”) “Because Language Is The Key To The World”

Since the beginning of 2018 we have been part of the "Sprach-Kitas" programme of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. This provides us with an additional half position for a language specialist on our staff and specialist advice via the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband as support.

What is a “Language day care centre”?

The “Language day care centres" attach a great deal of importance to language education in the day-to-day life of the day care group. All children in day care benefit from this and continue to develop their language skills. At the PHORMiniS we have an additional specialist for language education.

What Are The Tasks Of The Additional Language Specialist?

The additional language specialist advises, accompanies and supports the day care team in the following areas:
- Everyday integrated language education work
- Inclusive pedagogy
- Collaboration with the families

Further information on the federal programme can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth: Sprach-Kitas "Language day care centres"