
Bilinguale Kindertagesstätte PHORMiniS Hamburg
Kindertagesstätte in freier Trägerschaft der Phorms Hamburg gGmbH

Bilinguale Grundschule Phorms Hamburg
Ersatzschule in freier Trägerschaft der Phorms Hamburg gGmbH 

Bilinguales Gymnasium Phorms Hamburg
Ersatzschule in freier Trägerschaft der Phorms Hamburg gGmbH

Wendenstr. 35-43
20097 Hamburg

TEL +49 40 325 370 50
FAX +49 40 325 370 55


Conveniently located close to the Berliner Tor and the Hauptbahnhof the school is outstanding reachable by public transport.

The U-shaped building offers all our children enough room to play in a secure atmosphere. Therefore, all playing areas (KiTa, playing field for ball games, climbing apparatus etc.) are inlayed within the building. Our school has its own school kitchen and canteen and a big hall for activities on the first floor, as well as bright and spacious rooms for the Hort children before and after school.

Sports is held in cooperation with the Betriebssportverband Hamburg in their own three-field-gym. Additionally, we plan to build a multifunctional sports field in the neighborhood. The transfer from school to the indoor swimming pool and the sports hall is carried out by a bus shuttle.