Learning from Each Other
in a Community

We follow the British-American “Cabinet System”: students move to the relevant classroom for each subject and adjust to the subject-specific language, either German or English. In our small, international community, students benefit from close collaboration with their peers and dedicated teachers.

Core Areas
of Our Educational Concept

Bilingual Education

Specialist Subjects

Native-speaking teachers teach our students from year 5 onwards in subjects such as Mathematics, Music, Theatre, Ethics/Religion, Science, Biology, History, and Politics/Social Studies in the two equal languages of instruction, German and English.

The language of instruction for each subject alternates every one to two school years to ensure a high level of education in both languages. By the end of junior secondary school, our students are well-prepared for the demands of senior secondary school.

With our bilingual approach, we offer more lessons in the social sciences and natural sciences at the secondary level.

Bilingual Education

Immersion Method

We operate under the British-American “Cabinet System”, meaning that students change classrooms for each subject, entering a subject-specific world and adjusting to the teaching language, either German or English, set by the native-speaking teacher. This is a hallmark of our immersive approach to language and learning.

Schüler sitzen im Unterricht des Phorms Gymnasiums Hamburg
Bilingual Education

Language Diversity

From year 6 and year 10 onwards, Spanish and/or French are introduced as second or third foreign languages. Additionally, many of our students bring at least one more language from home.

Self-Organised Learning

Independent Learning

We encourage individual strengths and independent learning through creative teaching methods and cross-curricular team and project work. Every school day ends with a phase of self-organised learning.

Self-Organised Learning


Homework is carefully balanced.

It can either be completed at home, or at school under the supervision of teachers. Alternatively, students may choose to participate in afternoon activities during homework time. The activities are offered by school staff and can be selected on a half-yearly basis.

Media Education

Digital Equipment

All our classrooms are equipped with interactive Smart Boards that can be used for internet research and running various programmes. In addition, all students have access to a laptop, allowing them to learn how to write texts, conduct research, do calculations, and create presentations.

The use of this technology provides valuable stimuli for our student’s learning development. At the same time, it strengthens their competence in handling interactive media and equips them with the skills they will need for further study or job training.

Eine Schülerin schreibt etwas auf einem IPad, während eine Lehrerin ihr über die Schulter guckt im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Media Education

ICT and Computer Science

Digital media are an integral part of our students’ daily lives. We give students a solid foundation in media literacy in our ICT education in years 5 to 7. From year 8 onwards, we introduce the subject of Computer Science.

Schüler während des Unterrichts im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg


As a state-recognised secondary school, we conduct the central written examination in year 10, as is the case with all other schools in Hamburg – the first step towards entry into the senior secondary school.



Our school is state-recognised for the upper secondary level with A-Levels. Since 2020, our students at the Phorms Campus Hamburg have successfully obtained their general university entrance qualification (the internationally recognised German Abitur).

Zwei Schülerinnen sitzen gemeinsam in der Hofpause und gucken auf ein Ipad auf dem Schulhof des Phorms Gymnasiums Hamburg

Cambride Certificate

In addition to the Hamburg curriculum, we also teach modified content from the Cambridge Curriculum. We offer our senior secondary students (from year 10 onwards) preparatory courses for the Cambridge language exams (C1 Advanced, C2 Proficiency).

Ein Modell eines Zahnes, wo man in das Innere d
Career Orientation

Girls’ and Boys’ Day

In lessons and project work, our students learn about economic contexts in a globalised working world and develop an understanding of the labour market. Starting in year 5, we encourage students to actively participate in Girls’ and Boys’ Day (Career Day). The excursions are prepared for and followed up in lessons.

Career Orientation

Work Placement

In years 9 and 10, our students complete a total of three weeks of work placement. Students usually find their placements themselves but can rely on support from the school if needed.
This practical experience is designed to support students’ career orientation and facilitate the transition from school to the working world.

Characteristics of Everyday Life at Phorms Campus: The international collaboration in a familiar school community is a defining feature of everyday life at Phorms Campus.«

Year Groups

Years 5 and 6

Junior Secondary

Years 5 and 6 comprise the junior secondary school. During this time, students make the transition from being primary school students to secondary school students. The eight years of secondary education place particular demands on students’ willingness to learn and perform and the groundwork for future success is laid in these first two years.

Our educational work in junior secondary aims to encourage, support, and challenge students where necessary.

Eine Lehrerin erklärt einer Schülerin etwas im Unterricht im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Years 5 and 6


Year 5 consolidates the two languages of instruction, German and English. For many students who transfer from other schools, the challenge lies in learning equally in both languages. Our experienced, competent and supportive staff guide your child through this process to ensure that they can adapt to our unique learning environment as quickly as possible.

From year 6 onwards, students can choose Spanish or French as their second compulsory foreign language. These are taught intensively with 21 weekly lessons (from years 6 to 10). Especially high-performing students can later opt to add a third foreign language.

Schüler sitzen im Unterricht und bearbeiten Aufgaben im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Years 5 and 6


Competitions foster important academic skills in a fun and engaging way outside of the regular school routine and are fun and challenging. That’s why many of our secondary students enjoy and participate successfully in various competitions, such as the reading-aloud competition in year 6, Kangaroo Maths, Heureka, and Natex.

Years 5 and 6

School Trip

In year 5, the new secondary school students embark on a week-long class trip. This shared experience at an extracurricular learning location strengthens the class community right at the start of the school year and ignites students’ passion for subjects like Geography, Nature, and Technology.

Years 5 and 6

After-School Care, Clubs, and Holiday Programme

As part of full-day education and care – even during the holidays – we offer an attractive extracurricular programme for students up to year 8. They can try out leisure activities like tennis or the film club, discover new talents, and further develop their existing ones.

Years 7 - 10

Middle School

Providing students with a traditional secondary school education is the aim of our middle school.

We gradually expand the subjects offered: in addition to subject-specific natural and social sciences, we also offer further opportunities for career orientation, conflict resolution, and the integration of extracurricular learning locations.

By the end of middle school, our students are well prepared for the demands of senior secondary school.

Years 7 - 10


At our secondary school, we continue the bilingual concept with German and English as equal languages of instruction. The language of instruction alternates every one to two years. Which subjects this applies to is determined on a yearly basis.

In addition to the second foreign language chosen in year 6, students in year 10 can opt for an additional language, which they will study for four hours per week (French or Spanish).

Years 7 - 10


From year 7 onwards, students are taught Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, as well as social sciences (Geography, History, Politics-Society-Economy) for two hours per week each.

Compared to public schools, our bilingual approach at the secondary school provides students with more hours of instruction in both the social and natural sciences.

Years 7 - 10

Work Placement

In year 9, our students complete a three-week work placement. Students usually find their placements themselves but can rely on support from the school if needed.

This practical experience is designed to support students’ career orientation and facilitate the transition from school to the working world.

Years 7 - 10


Competitions foster important academic skills in a fun and engaging way, outside of the regular school routine. They are enjoyable and challenging. Therefore, many of our secondary school students enjoy and participate successfully in various competitions, such as the reading-aloud competition, Kangaroo Maths, Heureka, and Natex.

Acht Schüler stehen im Kreis und gucken runter auf eine Kamera im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Years 7 - 10

School Trip

In year 7, a sports trip (for example skiing, sailing, or surfing) is part of the programme. It offers students the opportunity to gain new sporting experiences together as a class.

Years 7 - 10

After-School Care, Clubs, and Holiday Programme

As part of full-day education and care – even during the holidays – we offer an attractive extracurricular programme for students up to year 8. They can try out leisure activities like tennis or the film club, discover new talents, and further develop their existing ones.

Schüler sitzen im Unterricht und der Lehrer erklärt ihnen etwas auf ihrem Arbeitsblatt im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Years 11 and 12

Senior Secondary

Providing students with a traditional secondary school education is the aim of our senior secondary school. This forms the guiding principle for our senior secondary timetable, which culminates in students earning the general university entrance qualification (the internationally recognised German Abitur). To best prepare students, we place a strong focus on the requirements for the A-Level exams, with German taking on a slightly greater importance in the senior secondary years.

Years 11 and 12

Bilingual Subject Teaching

We continue our bilingual concept at the senior secondary school of the Phorms Campus Hamburg: various subjects can also be taken in English (bilingual subject teaching) and assessed in this language in the A-Levels.

Eine Schülerin steht am Smartboard und schreibt etwas im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Years 11 and 12

Profile Choice

In the senior secondary school, students focus on subjects from three core profiles and choose which two of the three core subjects they want to take at an advanced level.

- Global Communication: Language, Literature, and Arts Profile
- Global Crises and Sustainability: Social Sciences Profile
- Global Challenges: Mathematics and Natural Sciences Profile

Years 11 and 12


In addition to the mandatory core subjects (Mathematics, German, English, and one foreign language) and the chosen profile-defining subjects, students have further elective options.

According to the Education and Examination Regulations, students take at least 34 weekly lessons. By the end of upper secondary, they bring 32 to 40 individual semester results into the overall Abitur grade.

Years 11 and 12


The seminar offers all students deeper insights into academic work, personalised career and study orientation, and the opportunity to plan, implement, and evaluate their own project work.

The seminar regularly collaborates with external partners and institutions.

Sechs Schüler stehen im Kreis und gucken runter auf eine Kamera im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Years 11 and 12

School Trip

An international study trip to an English-speaking country is planned for students in year 11. This provides them with the opportunity to apply their language skills in everyday English-speaking environments.

A Typical Day
at Secondary School

Drei Kinder und ein Lehrer spielen gemeinsam an einem Kicker Tisch in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

7:30 – 8:45 am

Early Morning Care

Students in years 5 to 8 are welcomed by our teachers and teaching assistants and supervised until the start of the school day.

8:45 am – 1:45 pm


Students are taught in their respective subjects.

Schüler nehmen sich ihr Mittagessen in der Kantine des Phorms Gymnasiums Hamburg

1:45 – 2:30 pm

Lunch Break

To ensure balanced and healthy meals, the chefs from our regional organic caterer prepare fresh meals daily in the school kitchen.

Schüler sitzen im Unterricht und der Lehrer erklärt ihnen etwas auf ihrem Arbeitsblatt im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg

2:30 – 3:15 or 4:00 pm


Students continue their lessons in their subjects.

Eine Schülerin sitzt im Klassenraum und erstellt ein Plakat für den Unterricht im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg

3:15 or 4:00 pm

End of Lessons in Secondary School

Lessons end at 3:15 pm for years 5-9. Students in year 10 and above finish at 4:00 pm. After lessons, students can attend study groups and support programmes, including academic and self-organisation topics.

Eine Lehrerin erklärt einem Schüler eine Aufgabe während des Unterrichts im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg

3:15 – 4:00 pm

Self-Organised Learning

Our teachers offer optional support to students in years 5 to 8 during individual study time, answering questions and providing assistance.

Vier Schülerinnen stehen gemeinsam lächelnd auf dem Schulhof des Phorms Gymnasiums Hamburg

4:00 – 6:00 pm

After-School Care and Afternoon Programme

Extracurricular care continues under the supervision of our teaching staff for students in years 5-8. In addition to regular care options, students can participate in various clubs.

Impressions of Secondary School Life

Ein Schüler steht im Unterricht am Smartboard und schreibt etwas im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Ein Schüler sitzt im Unterricht mit einem Ipad und Buch im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg
Ein Modell einer Ameise steht im Biologieraum des Phorms Gymnasiums Hamburg
Ein Schüler trägt ein Sweatshirt mit Phorms Logo auf dem Ärmel im Phorms Gymnasium Hamburg

Our School Uniform

The value of a person should not be judged by their clothing, but by who they are.

We support the use of a standard school uniform. It fosters a sense of community and improves the learning and social environment. Students should develop independently of their social background and fashion trends, learning that their personality is determined from within – not defined by external fashions or their appearance. 

School uniforms don’t have to be boring or old-fashioned. Our campus collection can be easily combined with other clothing items. 

Bio für Kids

Healthy eating is important to us.

Our meals are balanced, regionally sourced, and certified organic. The trained chefs from our caterer "Bio for Kids" prepare fresh meals daily in the school kitchen. In the afternoon, we provide a healthy snack to ensure enough energy for afternoon study sessions. Fresh water is available throughout the day. 

Our meal planning is based on the quality standards of the German Nutrition Society. 

Kind steht an einer Salatbar und stellt sich ihren Salat zusammen in der Kantine der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

Our Learning Commons

More than 9,000 Media Resources

Our campus features a Learning Commons with media available in German, English, Spanish, and French. 

The Learning Commons is open daily, and its use is an integral part of the students’ timetable. Additionally, students can use the wide range of resources during lunch break, they can: borrow media, study, meet up, participate in drawing competitions, join the manga club, or simply relax.