Our School Life
Engaged and Social

Our primary school currently has 330 children aged 5 to 10, forming a lively bilingual school community in both German and English. Together with our dedicated educational professionals, the children learn, play, and discover the world – both in lessons and beyond the classroom.

Key Focuses
of Our Teaching


Children who learn bilingually for several years perform better in foreign languages, their native language, and other subjects. Bilingualism promotes cognitive development, language awareness, creativity, and flexible thinking. 

Our teachers instruct in their mother tongue, in either German or English, using the immersion method. They support students’ understanding with gestures, facial expressions, and images. Our students discuss, hold presentations, and do maths bilingually, feeling confident in both languages by the end of primary school. 

For children needing extra support in either German or English, we offer targeted programmes to quickly bring these students up to the required level for their year group. 

Individual Support

Every child has different interests and abilities. That’s why the Phorms concept is tailored to each child’s individual development. With a high teacher-to-student ratio and two educational professionals per class, all-day lessons, cross-curricular group and project work, creative teaching methods, and an exciting afternoon programme, each child’s talents have the space to flourish. 


We do not leave any child behind. We additionally support individual children through regular small group work in dedicated sessions. The support for children with special learning needs also enriches the whole class by improving integration and motivation for all children. 

Ein Kind sitzt im Klassenraum mit Lehrerin, die ihr etwas erklärt.

Group and Project Work

We place great emphasis on encouraging independent learning and complementing lessons with practical experience. Our teachers regularly convey content through group and project work (e.g., visits to museums or theatres, interviews, or model building). The children learn to approach topics creatively and from different perspectives, both independently and in groups.

Drei Kinder sitzen nebeneinander uns lesen gemeinsam ein Buch

Logical Thinking

We place great importance on our students learning scientific techniques from an early age. They observe, measure, classify, and analyse phenomena from their environment and, often through playful and creative approaches, develop solutions to everyday problems.

Kind betrachtet eine Pflanze mit einer Lupe im Biologieunterricht der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

Media Education

All our classrooms are equipped with interactive Smart Boards which can be used to access the internet and run various programmes. All students also have access to a laptop, enabling them to learn to write texts, research, calculate, and create presentations. 


The use of these media provides valuable stimuli for our students’ learning development. At the same time, it strengthens their competence in dealing with interactive media – and, of course, learning on the computer is also fun! 

Zwei Kinder stehen am Smartboard der Klasse und lernen


Creativity is essential for joy and success – both in learning and in life. That’s why we also place great value on musical and artistic subjects. Our classrooms are well-equipped for these areas. All of our primary school students learn to read music and play a simple instrument. 


We encourage children’s creativity through a wide range of elective and after-school activities. In-house exhibitions and holding concerts are integral parts of our school life, as are visits to theatres, concerts, and museums.

Zwei Kinder sitzen zusammen an einem Tisch und spielen mit Lego steinen in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

Cambridge International Primary Programme

We integrate elements of the Cambridge Primary Programme into our curriculum, particularly for the subjects English, Mathematics, and Science.


This internationally recognised educational programme is designed for primary school students aged 5 to 11. The curriculum is developed to foster essential skills and knowledge in these subjects and to help teachers structure lessons and monitor students’ learning progress. 

Zwei lächelnde Kinder reden miteinander, während sie in ihren Heften blättern.

Assessment of Learning Progress

Our primary school is regularly reviewed by the external, independent Institute for Educational Monitoring and Quality Development (IfBQ). 


All students in Hamburg take part in a standardised test (KERMIT), which is based on the educational standards in German and Mathematics set by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs. These results provide us with neutral feedback our school. 

Zwei Kinder sitzen im Klassenraum mit Lehrerin, die ihnen etwas erklärt.

A Typical Day
in Primary School

Zwei Kinder sitzen gemeinsam an einem Tisch und spielen ein Spiel

7:30 – 8:30 am

Early Morning Care

The children are welcomed and looked after by our educators and teaching assistants until the start of lessons.

Schüler sitzen im Unterricht der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg. Ein Kind meldet sich und die anderen hören dem Unterricht zu.

8:45 am – 12:15 pm

Lesson Time in Primary School

The children are taught in subjects such as German, English, Mathematics, Art, and Music.

Drei Kinder stehen in der Kantine an der Theke und nehmen sich ihr Mittagessen an der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

12:15 – 1:30 pm

Lunch Break

For a balanced and healthy diet, the chefs of our regional organic caterer prepare fresh meals every day in the campus canteen.

Kinder machen Sportunterricht draußen und rennen einen Staffellauf auf dem Sportplatz der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

1:30 – 2:30 pm

Lesson Time in Primary School

The children are taught in subjects such as Topic, Sports, and Theatre.

Ein Kind sitzt im Klassenraum mit Lehrerin, die ihr etwas erklärt.

2:35 – 3:20 pm

Additional Modules and Pick-Up Time

Here, support lessons, class meetings, and study time take place. The children can be picked up at 3:20 pm.

Zwei Kinder bearbeiten Aufgaben im Unterricht und das eine Kind erklärt dem anderen etwas.

3:30 – 4:15 pm

Self-Organised Learning and Pick-Up Time

Our primary school teaching assistants help with individual study time, providing support and answering questions. The children can be picked up at 4:15 pm.

Drei Kinder und ein Lehrer spielen gemeinsam an einem Kicker Tisch in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

4:15 – 6:00 pm

Afternoon Care and After-School Programme

Extended, fee-based after-school care is offered by our educational staff. In addition to regular care options, children can also attend various clubs.

Class Days for Building Strong Bonds

Class cohesion is very important to us, as we believe that only together can we grow and learn. That’s why we regularly organise class days where the class teacher and TA stay with their students to strengthen the connections between the students and foster a supportive, harmonious environment.«

Insights into Primary School Life

indoor schoolyard

Teaching with Smartboard

Physical education

Attentive support

Learning together

Music lessons

Student Competitions
Supporting and Challenging

Drei Kinder spielen ein Buchstabenspiel in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg


Competitions help to foster important academic skills in a fun and engaging way outside of the regular school routine. They are both enjoyable and challenging. As a young school, we already have many students who enjoy and participate in various competitions with notable success.

Mehrere biologische Modelle stehen auf einem Regal im Biologieraum der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg


NATEX (Scientific Experimentation) is a competition for all students in years 4 to 10 who have an interest in science and experimentation.

Drei Kinder betrachten zusammen einen Globus in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

HEUREKA! Student Competition

The HEUREKA! competition is a student and school competition for years 3 to 8. The first part focuses on the topic of humans and nature, while the second part asks questions related to general knowledge about the world.

Kind übt Rechenaufgaben in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

Kangaroo of Mathematics

The Kangaroo Maths competition is the largest maths competition in the world, with over 100 countries participating. All our classes up to year 9 participate in this annually.

After-School Care and Clubs
Age-Appropriate and Varied Activities

Kinder sind in der Sporthalle auf Yoga Matten und machen eine Yoga Figur in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg


Eine Gruppe Kinder sitzen auf dem Boden und zwei spielen Schach, während die anderen zugucken in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg


Ein Xylophon mit Noten drauf im Musikraum


Kind steht mit Lehrerin an Säge und baut etwas in der Werkstatt der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

Arts and Crafts

Sechs Kinder stehen im Sportraum mit einem Sportlehrer, der einen Kampfsport Anzug an hat in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg


Schüler stehen am Kicker Tisch und spielen gemeinsam in der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg

Ball Games

Our School Uniform

What should be valued in a person is not their clothing, but who they are.

We support the use of a standard school uniform. It fosters a sense of community and improves the learning and social environment. Students should be able to develop independently of their social background and fashion trends, learning that their personality is determined from within – not by external fashions or their appearance. 

School uniforms don’t have to be boring and old-fashioned. That’s why our campus collection can easily be combined with other clothing items. 

Bio für Kids

Healthy eating is important to us.

Our meals are balanced, regional, and certified organic. The chefs from “Bio für Kids” prepare fresh meals every day in the school kitchen. Each day, children can choose between two dishes (one of which is vegetarian) and a raw food option at the salad bar. Our meals typically includes fish once a week and poultry or beef from organic sources twice a week. We do not serve any pork.

Kind steht an einer Salatbar und stellt sich ihren Salat zusammen in der Kantine der Phorms Grundschule Hamburg
Drei Kinder sitzen nebeneinander uns lesen gemeinsam Bücher

Our Learning Commons

More than 9,000 Media Resources

Our campus features a Learning Commons with media available in German, English, Spanish, and French. 

The Learning Commons is open daily, and its use is an integral part of the students’ timetable. In addition, children and teenagers can use the wide range of resources available at the Learning Commons during their lunch break to: borrow media, study, meet up, participate in drawing competitions, join the manga club, or simply relax.